Saturday, March 29, 2025

February 3, 2021

People Are Taking The Piss Out Of Amazon’s Latest Building Design

Dubbed 'the Helix', it's a 350-foot, 22-storey building which takes its inspiration from helixes which occur in nature. That, or a certain emoji.

[imagesource: NBBJ/Amazon]

You can see what the problem is, right?

That spiralling building above forms part of Amazon’s next portion of its Arlington, Virginia headquarters.

Dubbed ‘the Helix’, it’s a 350-foot, 22-storey building which takes its inspiration from helixes which occur in nature, like the double-helix of DNA and the structure of the Milky Way.

Also, and this is where the problem comes in, it’s been likened to the so-called ‘poop’ emoji.

Before we start with the ridicule, here are some basics via Sky News:

Amazon says the building – to be built at a campus in Arlington, Virginia – won’t be a typical office space, unlike the many other far more bland structures in the renderings. Instead it will be somewhere for staff to explore their own minds outside of the confines of their cubicles.

Image: NBBJ / Amazon

The structure is ringed by a green belt of trees and grass, which will bring to mind the terrain of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains…

When completed, the whole HQ2 facility will contain more than two million square feet of office space, with about 65,000 square feet given to retail and other community areas.

Let’s take in a few more angles:

Looks like a great company to work for, as long as you’re not in the warehouse or delivering the packages.

Some of the reactions on social media:

Apple Park, located in Cupertino, California, is a very impressive home base.

That’s right, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has announced that he will be stepping down from the CEO position.

With that in mind, I don’t reckon the company will be paying too much attention to those likening ‘the Helix’ to a curled up turd.
