You don’t have to be a super-hippie to experience the benefits of meditation.
Many of my friends have gone on about what a difference it has made to their lives, and we hear that Seth has taken to a dash of meditation in the morning, too.
It makes a kind of logical sense. Taking a moment to breathe during a stressful day can help to calm things down a bit.
I can’t sit still for more than 10 minutes without feeling like I’m going to die of boredom, so it’s never really worked for me.
I’m in the minority, though.
I AM & CO has the following to say about the health benefits of meditation.
Meditation is proven to reduce stress, relieve anxiety, enhance self-awareness, focus, and mental health so having a space dedicated to just that is incredibly helpful. However, most people don’t have the foresight to purchase a home or apartment with a meditation room in mind.
‘Meditation room’ wasn’t high up on the priority list when I was apartment hunting, but now my third eye has been opened.
If, like me, you didn’t have the foresight to rent an apartment or buy a house with a meditation room, then we’re here to help.
As an aside, if meditation isn’t your thing, then these ideas work just as well for a reading corner.
Let’s get into it.
Finding Space
Find an underused corner. Maybe there’s a space under the stairs. Do you have a cupboard that you aren’t using?
All of these spaces can be converted into a meditation ‘room’.
Wherever you decide to locate your meditation corner or room, make sure it isn’t going to be set upon by the kids and dog mid-‘ohm’.
Share Space
If you have a dedicated office space, you could make it a multi-purpose room that also functions as a meditation room. People aren’t going to be walking in and out so it checks the privacy box.
Convert A Cupboard
If you have a walk-in closet or a closet large enough for a small table for candles, journals, and singing bowls, it can make for an excellent meditation area.
Yes, ‘singing bowls’ are a thing.
Go through your storage closet to see what you can get rid of. If you haven’t used most of the items in a full calendar year, you probably don’t need them. Toss out whatever you don’t need and start building your sacred space in the closet.
It’s both private and convenient and you can pretend to be Harry Potter.
What You Should Include In A Meditation Room
You can buy ‘meditation chairs’. They’re basically chairs, but more expensive.
Otherwise, the standard meditation paraphernalia includes pillows, candles, a small fountain, some good vibes, a blanket, a noise machine…
Whatever makes you happy.
Bring The Outdoors In
Plants have been proven to have a calming effect on people. Get a few indoor plants. You can also incorporate rocks, crystals, twigs or a decorative fountain.
Start A Meditation Journal
Apparently, you might experience waves of inspiration while you’re meditating.
Keeping a notebook nearby will help you to keep track of your thoughts, feelings, and ideas.
Meditation Room Colours
Your brain responds differently to different colours.
Yellow elicits feelings of fun, so it’s a good choice if you want to tap into your high energy to centre yourself.
Blue lowers blood pressure, so it’s a good choice if you want to keep things calm.
Green is also an excellent color for a meditation space because it combines that high-energy fun spirit of yellow with the calming relaxation of blue.
Neutral colors are really easy to work with because they’re so versatile and common.
Grand. Gold is also an expression of vibrant energy, but keep it simple. You don’t want your meditation room to look like Trump Tower.
In the end, how you decorate your space is up to you.
It’s your happy place, after all.
Go wild.