Conor McGregor clearly has some serious anger management issues.
He probably went into the right line of business, all things considered, but now footage has emerged that shows him punching an elderly man in the head at a bar in Ireland.
The video in question is actually from April 6, and took place at the Marble Arch Pub in Dublin.
According to Metro, McGregor was offering round a bottle of his Proper 12 whiskey to drinkers at the bar, but one chap clearly wasn’t bothered about getting in on the action.
Not like an Irishman to turn down a free toot:
The man appeared to be uninterested in McGregor, sitting at the bar with his pint, although it is unclear if any words were exchanged.
McGregor threw a left hand at the man, which appeared to connect, although the patron barely reacted, staying on his stool at the bar.
That’s my favourite part of the whole thing – your man hardly budges after the punch to the head.
Watch from the 45-second mark below:
Apparently, McGregor has spoken to detectives about the incident, but was not formally arrested over the matter.
Ireland’s Director of Public Prosecutions says that the investigation is “ongoing”.