Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Did You See The Very NSFW Video That Eric Cantona Posted On Instagram?

Eric Cantona is known for being an oddball, but yesterday he took things to the next level with a very NSFW video posted to his Instagram account.

Eric Cantona is known for being an oddball, but this takes things to the next level.

The age-old question regards what came first, the chicken or the egg, but I’ve never seen that equation play out in this manner.

Perhaps it was an attempted mind game ahead of last night’s Manchester derby (if so, it didn’t work – highlights here), with Cantona posting the video yesterday.

It was posted without comment, and has since been removed.

In order to keep an element of surprise, we won’t tell you what makes it so NSFW. Just have a quick look over your left shoulder, and then your right, and then buckle up:

We did warn you.

While you’re here, let’s relive that infamous kung-fu kick from back in the day:

Stick to sticking the boot in, Eric.
