George H.W. Bush’s funeral was always going to be a high-profile affair, but as soon as it became clear that the current and former presidents would be sat alongside each other, everyone began to think the same thing.
How would Donald Trump handle seeing the Obamas again, given that he tweets incessantly about Barack’s time as president and blames him for the ills of the world, and would he greet the Clintons?
Well, via the Guardian, here’s how that one played out:
You just know Donald absolutely hated being at an event where everyone heaped praise and affection on somebody that wasn’t himself.
Also, I don’t think Hillary Clinton was all that keen on shaking hands, or even making eye contact, with either of the Trumps.
To finish, props to George W. Bush for the eulogy he delivered, which you can see from the 1:30 mark below: