Tuesday, March 11, 2025

October 15, 2018

You Gotta See This Picture Of Trump Hanging In The White House

We've all had a good look around the Oval Office, thanks to photo ops and Kanye West's visit, but what paintings hang in some of the other rooms?

No, it’s not a picture of him riding a bald eagle into the sunset wearing a MAGA hat – although those are the kinds of images his fans share under every one of Donald Trump’s tweets.

Whilst we know what the Oval Office looks like, courtesy of Kanye West’s insane ramblings, for example, there are some rooms in the White House that we don’t get a look inside.

Yesterday, 60 Minutes aired an interview with Trump filmed in the White House, and they also tweeted out this image ahead of the interview:

Two things to pay attention to here. To start, in between Trump and interviewer Lesley Stahl, hangs a painting, and we will get to that in a second.

How about far right, and the jar of Starburst sweets. You may notice that there are only pink and red Starbursts in there, which confirms a story that first emerged back in January.

Newsweek below:

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-California) learned about Trump’s love of Starburst last fall when he was alone with the president in his suite aboard Air Force One. “We’re there, having a little dessert, and he offers me some. Just the red and the pink…A bit later, a couple of his aides saw me with those colors and told me, ‘Those are the president’s favorites.’”

Days later, the House Majority Leader bought Starburst packs and asked a staffer to place only the two flavors Trump liked in a jar as a gift to him.

Nothing criminal there, but that’s the kind of man that walks the halls of the White House.

Right, the painting. Over to the Daily Beast:

President Trump’s latest addition to White House decor is a kitschy fantasy painting [“The Republican Club” by Andy Thomas] that shows him relaxing with Republican presidents of the past—an update to a best-selling image commonly found in tourist gift shops and online galleries…

It shows a slimmed-down Trump sandwiched between Presidents Eisenhower and Nixon, directly across from Abraham Lincoln. Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and both Bushes are also in the imaginary scene.

Trump doesn’t drink (his brother, Fred Jr., died of diseases related to alcoholism), so that’s why he is rocking what looks like a Coke whilst the rest get their drink on.

The man behind the painting is pretty happy with all of this:

…one person was thrilled to learn that it was hanging on the wall of Trump’s office—the artist himself.

Thomas told The Daily Beast that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), a fan of the artist’s work, gave the print to Trump.

“He had actually given a me real gracious call to tell me how much he liked it,” Thomas said of Trump. “He was very complimentary. He made a comment that he’d seen a lot of paintings of himself and he rarely liked them.”

Maybe that’s because he looks remarkably slim in that image, and those former presidents seem to be treating him as an equal, rather than somebody who is dragging the Republican party’s name through the sewer (with toilet paper stuck to his foot).

I imagine it’s not long until we see some of those memes hanging from the wall:
