Friday, March 28, 2025

September 20, 2018

Video Of Western Cape Dam Overflowing

At the turn of the year, the idea of a Western Cape dam overflowing seemed pretty far-fetched. No wonder people are so stoked with this footage.

[imagesource: Pierre de Jager]

The good people of Ceres seem pretty stoked with life at the moment, having emerged from the other side of a three-year drought that many refer to as the worst in the past 100 years.

The town’s Koekedouw dam is now overflowing for the first time since 2014, having been just 42,7% full at this time last year.

Whilst only a fraction of the size of the more well-known Theewaterskloof dam (Koekedouw’s capacity of 17 million cubic meters of water is around 28 times smaller than Theewaterskloof), residents are still in high spirits.

This video via Business Insider SA:

Yes, all thanks to God. As an aside, who do we speak to about famine, and bone cancer in children, and all the other injustice and pain and suffering in the world?

Koekedouw isn’t the only dam in good shape:

James-Brent Styan, spokesperson for the Western Cape local government MEC, said Koekedouw is one of four dams overflowing in the province after good rains.

Misverstand dam near Piketberg, Stettynskloof near Franschhoek, Ernest Robertson dam near Groot Brakrivier, and the Buffeljags dam are also 100% full.

“Many others are full or close to full. Many, including Steenbras dams, Berg River [above] and Wemmershoek as well as Clanwilliam and Bulshoek dams,” Styan told Business Insider South Africa.

He says the main concerns are now in the Karoo region where average dam levels are at 19.9%.

Pray harder, people of the Karoo.

Via the City of Cape Town’s website, here are the dam level stats as of yesterday:

Theewaterskloof Dam really letting the rest of the team down, innit?

The city’s new water restriction levels and tariffs kick in from October 1, but let’s all remain water-wise because there’s a long summer ahead.
