Tuesday, March 11, 2025

June 20, 2011

Tomorrow’s Euromillions Lottery Jackpot Is R976 Million

Did you see that video of Donald Trump’s new private jet? It cost him $100 million. Check it out here. I’ll be buying one if I win tomorrow’s Euromillions lottery which is sporting a €101,000,000 jackpot. You might also be able to buy one if you win. But you need to get a ticket first. I just bought five tickets. These are my numbers:

If I win, I promise to buy this $2 Million island in New York and I will give it to one of the 2oceansvibers out there. No spice.

I will buy this with my winnings and give it way.

If you’re not buying a few tickets for the big draws (and these are BIG), then you’ve kind of missed the whole point of being able to live the holiday. Just like what is suggested in all books about success (including the likes of “The Secret” and variations thereof), if you’re not able to visualise the success you wish to achieve, then you probably won’t get there. Being able to dream is the basis of all of these formulas – it unlocks the potential. Dropping a few bucks on lottery tickets is as basic as that formula gets.

Go to 2oceansvibe Lottos and buy your tickets online, safely and securely.