Here’s a quick Facebook 101 tutorial. It’s not smart to include hate speech in your conversation with other FB users. Especially if you are, say, a budding journalist. Mail & Guardian intern Ngoako Matsha, who apparently has some pretty strong anti-Semitic views, learned that the hard way this week.
Matsha, who has been working as a trainee at the M&G since February this year, has been suspended for posting inflammatory comments on Facebook.
The intern had a heated conversation with another user on the social media site, Benji Shulman. Here’s a snapshot of what went down, in point form:
1. Shulman decides to crowd source a “basic decent history of apartheid” on Facebook.
2. Matsha responds helpfully with, “Petty apartheid is building tall walls to separate Israel from Palestines.”
3. Shulman politely replies, “Thanks for that piece of pseudo-politics but I need something that will stand up to logical argument.”
4. Matsha loses it and fires back, “You racists! No wonder Hitler killed all the Jews, because you’re all a bunch of racists.”
Reinforcing the perils of social media, Matsha’s employees found out about this exchange on Twitter. Oh dear. Suspension.
[Source: IOL]