Tuesday, March 11, 2025

June 15, 2011

Stolen Racing Car Filmed Dicing On London’s M25 Motorway [VIDEO]

This sensational video captures a stolen Team Japspeed Subaru Imprezza weaving between traffic on London's M25 motorway. The Imprezza was stolen by thieves after being put on display at the Santa Pod Raceway, who managed to find a way of starting the engine, despite it being disabled by engineers.

Thus spake the Telegraph:

The short clip shows the stolen £80,000 Team Japspeed 1JZ Subaru Impreza, which has now been recovered, travelling on the motorway west of London.

A custom-built motorsports vehicle capable of speeds approaching 200mph, it was taken from a performance car show at Santa Pod Raceway, near Wellingborough on Sunday.

The Japspeed racing team had disabled the car whilst it was on show but thieves somehow managed to start it as it sat unattended.

Four people have since been arrested, and the car recovered.

Good idea: appreciate high performance machines.

Bad idea: Steal high performance machines.

Worst idea: Drive like a resident of Boksburg is said stolen high performance machine, thereby attracted the attention of myriad surrounding onlookers and inspiring the capture of your activities on film, hereby giving authorities the means to track your whereabouts, and arrest you.

All of that said, it is fairly exciting to see a stolen motor vehicle driven on a public motorway. Isn’t it, Nic Cage?