Tuesday, March 11, 2025

June 1, 2011


Ex-pats living in France or those thinking of settling in one of the most beautiful countries on Earth – beware! Apart from the vagaries of its law and mind-numbing French bureaucracy, there are qualified and supposedly ‘upstanding’ lawyers (called ‘advocat’) and Notaries (called ‘notaires’) who lose no opportunity to fleece well-meaning and honest new residents to their country. Follow the link for this public interest warning.

Ex-pats living in France or those thinking of settling in one of the most beautiful countries on Earth – beware! Apart from the vagaries of its law and mind-numbing French bureaucracy, there are qualified and supposedly ‘upstanding’ lawyers (called ‘advocat’) and Notaries (called ‘notaires’) who lose no opportunity to fleece well-meaning and honest new residents to their country.

With patience, it is possible to cope, and even conqueror, French bureaucracy but the criminal activities of some of their legal profession will see you swallowed up by a myriad of associations, organisations, and self-interest groups.

Although residents of nearly three years, we have been burnt by two highly recommended individuals – Corine Cachard (a lawyer from Cannes) and Jacques Vigneau (a Toulouse Notary).

The brief involved the structuring of a small company; a property transfer; tax advice and health insurance advice. Nothing illegal or overly complicated but we chose to take up the individuals ‘skills’ as a way to traverse the intricacies of such matters. In addition, they are both conversant in English.

After nearly twelve months, we have nothing to show for it. Only a severely dented bank balance, a copy of a dud cheque drawn by the lawyer in favour of the Notary, and a host of correspondence not only to the two individuals but to Associations, Organisations and even the Gendarmerie.

The message is clear – check and check again the credentials of your professional advisers. Google is not enough. And, use financial instruments for payment that only become active when all the transactions have been completed honestly and accurately.
