Tuesday, March 11, 2025

October 13, 2017

Do This To Save Battery Life On iOS 11

If you've recently taken the plunge and downloaded iOS 11, you might have noticed a decline in your battery life. Here are a few ways to turn that ship around.

So you’ve taken a look at all the sexy offerings from Apple’s iOS 11 and couldn’t resist a download – but now, it seems your battery life is considerably shorter than it was.

Starting to regret the move? Well, don’t panic just yet.

According to Quartz, there’s one weird trick that could help you fix your battery woes:

With the new operating system, it seems that Apple decided to automatically turn on “Background App Refresh,” a function that allows apps to constantly update and pull information from the internet even when you’re not actively using them.

While you might want this for certain apps, you really don’t need it on for every app.

Turning off ‘Background App Refresh’ is bound to improve your battery life “dramatically”, so here’s how you can do it yourself:

  1. Open ‘Settings’
  2. Tap ‘General’
  3. Tap ‘Background App Refresh’
  4. Go through all your apps and turn off the ones that you don’t need to keep on—pretty much everything other than maps, email, news, and music apps

Simple, ne?

While you’re there, you might as well make it so that your apps won’t update unless there’s Wi-Fi. That will keep them from not only chowing your battery at what could be a very critical time, but also wasting precious data.

Pop into ‘Settings’, ‘iTunes and App Stores’, and make sure ‘Use Mobile Data’ is turned off.

There’s one more “trick” you can put into effect:

[T]urning off the “Auto-Brightness” function has apparently helped others…If you’d like to, head to Settings > General > Accessibility > Display Accommodations > Auto-Brightness.

And there you have it – I hope that makes a difference and improves both you and your battery’s life considerably.
