Tuesday, March 11, 2025

September 26, 2017

Rapper B.o.B. Is Finally Going To Prove That The Earth Is Flat [Video]

He's the guy that sang "Nothin' on You", although these days he is all about proving that the earth is flat. He has a crafty new plan to illustrate just that.

In January last year we all had a good laugh at rapper B.o.B (yes, the “Nothin’ on You” guy) when he went off on a Twitter rant about the earth being flat.

You can see all of those tweets HERE, which serve as proof that there is no IQ test when entering the music business.

We also wrote THIS story in August of last year, and the best bit is people are still arguing in the comments section. Much like those keyboard warriors, the rapper isn’t giving up without a fight.

CNN reports:

[He] has started a GoFundMe campaign to find Earth’s curve and see if our planet is actually round (and not a flat disc hanging in space as flat Earthers typically believe).

Earth’s curve is a big contention for flat Earthers, who argue that if the earth was round, the “curve” would be more visible to the earthbound human eye.

B.o.B.’s campaign says the plan is to “launch multiple satellites into space” in order to observe, and try to disprove, what centuries of science and technology have already confirmed. All he needs is a small investment of $200,000 dollars (and launch approval, of course).

So how he is doing so far? That GoFundMe campaign, titled “Show BoB The Curve“, has raised a whopping $596 at the time of writing.

Here’s the video that comes with it:

Um, OK bud.

Some of the comments on the GoFundMe campaign are beautiful:

Let me get this straight, you want to prove the Earth is flat by putting a satellite in “Orbit?” Ha ha ha ha. P.S. If you don’t get the joke, please look up the definition of orbit.

My personal favourite:

Bro. I am totally with you on this. But we cannot trust anything but our senses. The technology you’re using will make it appear that the earth is round because of the curvature of the lenses mounted on your satellite. The only way to find out if the earth is flat is by going to outer space yourself and ejecting yourself from the spacecraft, because the window glass would also have a slight curvature making the earth look round. Then you have to get out of your space suit, because the glass on your space suit will curve the appearance of the earth. So only then you will see that the earth is in fact, flat.

Do it, B.o.B., in the name of science.

Something fun to check out that’s free – a live stream from the International Space Station:

I would say he should put that in his pipe and smoke it, but I reckon he has had enough puff for a lifetime.
