Friday, March 7, 2025

September 6, 2017

Please Enjoy This Irish Family Trying To Catch A Bat Trapped In Their House [Video]

I don't know about your family, but in some cases bats scare the living daylights out of people. That's definitely the case for the Flemings over in Ireland.

Everyone loves the Irish – except maybe Conor McGregor, some are still on the fence with regards Notorious.

It starts with the accent, popular around the world, and it doesn’t hurt when your country provides the world with the chance to dress up in green and get wrecked once a year.

They’re also good for the odd bat-related meltdown, and this is one for the ages. Count Kerry native Tadhg Fleming filmed his family reacting to a winged denizen in the house, and people are getting a real kick out of his running commentary.

His father Derry is on the receiving end of most of the shouting – hang in there, it really kicks off during the second half:

Even the dog has pissed himself.

Bless you, Irish people.

BONUS VIDEO – There’s something to be said about the Scots, as well. This is an all-time classic:

And people say they lack culture because they deep fry everything.
