Tuesday, March 11, 2025

August 31, 2017

Here’s That Charlottesville Nazi Crying Like A Baby Again [Video]

Christopher Cantwell shot to fame after VICE's doccie on the Charlottesville white supremacist rallies, but now he's just a whiny little crybaby.

Sorry not sorry, Christopher Cantwell, we know you hate being called ‘the crying Nazi’.

Cantwell shot to prominence after VICE’s documentary on the horrors of Charlottesville went viral.

In case you somehow missed that check it out HERE – it’s been viewed nearly six million times.

Now it wasn’t that short doccie that saw him gain that label, but rather this video of him blubbing like a ‘lil bitch in the aftermath of the VICE video.

Get a load of this:

Ag shame, petal.

Now behind bars, after pepper spraying protesters at the University of Virginia on August 11, he spoke to the Daily Beast:

“When I come down here for a permitted demonstration, championed by the ACLU, where the police are supposed to be clearing our enemies from our path, and then I find myself involved in a riot facing 20 years in prison, I got emotional, shockingly enough,” Cantwell told The Daily Beast in his first interview from jail.

“One minute I’m a fucking white supremacist terrorist and the next minute I’m a fucking crybaby?” he asks. “I’m a goddamn human being.”

Funny how you dehumanise everyone that isn’t white, but when you feel threatened you’re suddenly a part of the larger human race.

But wait, there’s more. One of the women who testified against him is Emily Gorcenski, and Baby Nazi wasn’t happy:

Cantwell declines to tone down his rhetoric, claiming that Gorcenski isn’t qualified to testify in court because she’s a “fucking tranny” and blames “kikes” for for orchestrating the counter-protesters.

“All of these people [statue removers] are taking their talking points from Jews,” he said…

“If I wanted to go there to harm people we would not be talking about pepper spray charges,” Cantwell said, claiming he used a consumer-grade pepper compound that he keeps on a keychain. “I came there with my keychain — I did not go there with a riot can like the fucking communists did.”

What a bloke, hey?

Cantwell – reckon that ‘a’ in his name is a typo.
