A quick fix is all your need to get you through a trying time – but eventually, you are going to have to put a little time and effort into finding the appropriate solution.
Take, for example, those who prides themselves on “fixing” broken bits and bobs around the house.
It could be your mom, or your brother, or even your weirdly handy gran that loves to tinker, adding gaffer tape here or an obscure handle there.
While these moments of gold are rarely immortalised, every now and then they are captured by an admirer and shared for all the world to see.
Thanks to Buzzfeed, here are a few of our favourites:
Shower head fell off? Done:
Can’t handle two seperate bathrooms taps? No problem:
Lost your gear stick? It’s all good, babe:
Forgot to go to the chandelier store? This will do:
Walls in the way of your fan’s arms? It’ll sort itself out:
Always fun laughing at the misfortune ingenuity of others, isn’t it?
Of course, the easiest way to avoid such ridiculous home “improvement” compromises is to be prepared.
Not only should you have a decent toolbox, but the tools and spare parts inside should be just as legit. While the obvious things to stock include a drill, flat and star screwdriver, and a tape measure, you should also get this little South African invention; a Drilby:
Yeah, babes.
Put that in your toolbox and you will never had to think of a crazy substitute for catching the dust created by your drill again.
Mess free, problem solved, R99.
Buy one online now.