A life-sized, functional, AT-AT Walker. From The Empire Strikes Back. You know – those big walking four-legged suckers. If you’re still reading this I assume you know what I’m talking about, so click through to read about a giant nerd’s awesome plan to crowdsource this thing.
The nerd in question is one ‘Mike Koehler.’ His initiative doesn’t have a KickStarter page – yet – but it’s seen nods on a couple of geeky websites and news channels, in the States and elsewhere. Says the homepage – currently hosted on tumblr:
We were once a country that made things: giantmetal buy sildenafil online cars, Hoover Dams, non-AutoTuned popular music.
But now we are stuck in an economy in limbo, surrounded by our Internets, our hipsters and our arguing politicians.
Nerds, I have a great idea to make America great again. We can show our brain power, our manufacturing prowess, our organizational skills and our geek-fueled eye for detail.
That idea: an AT-AT for America.
It’s called ‘AT-AT For America,’ but let’s put aside anti-American sentiments for long enough to appreciate that they’re building a goddamned AT-AT. Or trying to, anyway. The site is presently calling for engineering, logistics and legal volunteers, among others.
[Source :ATATforAmerica]