The idea of microsdosing has been floating around for years now.
A trend mainly linked to the high flyers of Silicon Valley, the practice involves taking “sub-perceptual amounts (about a tenth of a recreational dose, or between 1 and 10 micrograms) of psychedelics like LSD or psilocybin (magic) mushrooms” on the regular, explains Quartz.
Committed to “changing the cultural conversation about psychedelics”, founder of The Third Wave, Paul Austen, spoke in Berlin this past weekend:
“I started microdosing in June 2015 and I did it for seven months, and through that I came up with the idea of the Third Wave” Austin told Quartz.
The Third Wave is an online resource aimed at educating people about microdosing, which Austin says “is sitting at a delta of all these things that are going on.”
“A lot of people are becoming disgruntled with pharmaceuticals, especially in the United States, a lot are reevaluating previously illicit substances, like cannabis, and a lot are looking at optimization—‘I wanna be my best self,’” he says.
Leaders in the 21st century, he tells his audience, must be able to “form a coherent vision of the future and piece together more accurate models of where the world is going.” Taking tiny amounts of non-addictive and non-toxic drugs, he says, will become an increasingly useful tool for leaders as they help the brain be more present in the moment, more adaptable and creative, and better at unlearning and relearning.
Bosses “must be able to draw on the strengths of team members to create a shared purpose and meaning—especially as the rise of AI will do away with rote tasks in our daily jobs,” he says.
But how would one even begin with such a practice? Able to wax lyrical about everything microdosing, Austin has long been talking to interested parties around the world on the matter.
Below is a video where he outlines how to start the process:
Hey? How does that make you feel? Doesn’t help that there’s a trippy pattern just behind him – it’s all a little scary.
Here’s a little more information, just so you are fully educated before you begin your 10-week trial 😉
[source: quartz]