Yesterday saw the official Springboks’ Facebook page drop the 2023 Rugby World Cup bid video, and it’s clear that we are in it to win it.
Dramatic fly-bys of all the major stadiums and cities, some super-slow-motion replays, and of course the Madiba voice-over to finish with a bang.
I guess you might say they timed it well, given that it was Madiba’s birthday and all.
Take a look for yourself:
The top three comments pretty much sum up the reaction:
I’m English and really want to see the world cup in SA again. The 95 world cup was one of the best ever, SA is a proper rugby nation with brilliant venues. Let’s hope it goes to SA…
Why can’t you people just get behind your country and support this and forget about all the problems for awhile and enjoy this…
No too much crime in South Africa , tourists will get hijacked, murdered, raped and robbed, please for the safety of you all! Politics interfered so much with our rugby that all the talented players decided to go overseas…
There’s always that person.
We will have to beat France and Ireland in order to host the Cup, so this one is far from settled.
A much-needed injection of tourists and optimism, or a waste of money that would be better deployed elsewhere?