You know the Donald is going to absolutely despise this.
It’s no secret that he doesn’t take knocks to the ego all that well (which is why he holds Cabinet meetings like THIS), so footage of Ozzie Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull poking fun at Trump will definitely rankle the sentient naartjie.
It’s not that Malcolm is much good during his Trump impersonation, because he isn’t, but the leaked footage isn’t going to help their relationship going forward.
Here’s the Rand Daily Mail:
In a closed-door speech Wednesday night to journalists and lawmakers at Australia’s equivalent of the White House correspondents dinner, Turnbull imitated Trump speaking about online opinion polls…
While journalists were told the speech was not for reporting, a local television network broadcast audio portions on Thursday of Turnbull’s comments to the backdrop of audience laughter.
…Turnbull on Thursday played down his Trump impression, calling it “affectionately light-hearted.” Still, the two had a rocky start after Trump complained about a promise by the prior U.S. administration to resettle refugees held by Australia in offshore detention centers [sic].
“It was good natured and the brunt of my jokes was myself,” Turnbull said Thursday in a radio interview, rejecting the notion his speech was at Trump’s expense.
I would have to disagree, because it’s pretty obvious he is taking the piss out of Trump. See for yourself:
Malcolm sure could work on his delivery, but props for taking the mickey out of America’s walking, talking laughing stock.