Tuesday, March 11, 2025

October 13, 2016

Guy Loses Shoe While Parachuting – Gets It Back Again Mid-Air [Video]

There are many things you shouldn't do with your laces untied, and now you can add parachuting to that list. This time it has a happy ending, though.

If you pushed me out of a plane with just a parachute for comfort I’d lose more than my shoe.

If my shoe did happen to fall off it would be the least of my worries, but sometimes such stories do have happy endings.

Take for example this video, filmed at Skydive Temple in Texas, where one chap was rather surprised to see his footwear doubling back to say hello.

This from Gizmodo:

I think it’s safe to assume that if you lose something while flying in the air on a parachute, you probably shouldn’t expect to ever get it back. Especially while you’re still in the freaking air. But watch as this canopy pilot loses his shoe on a jump and somehow retrieves it in mid-air.

It’s insane. The shoe is flying wildly back and forth in every direction and yet he manages to track it down and snag it out of the air. Pretty lucky, pretty impressive.

Good times.
