Friday, March 28, 2025

READ THIS: The Cape Town Friday Rule – A Reminder

Almost four and a half years ago a penned an angry missive in an effort to educate the tiny percentage of the population who didn't know already that 'work' related activity on Friday afternoons in Cape Town (should be everywhere) does not happen. Let's repeat that that for those of your whose minds are exploding at this point. Together now. Breathe in, and hold it, and... "Work does not happen on Friday afternoons in Cape Town." Click through for an important announcement.

Almost four and a half years ago a penned an angry missive in an effort to educate the tiny percentage of the population who didn’t know already that work on Friday afternoons in Cape Town (should be everywhere!) does not happen.

Let’s repeat that for those of your whose minds are exploding at this point. Together now. Breathe in, and hold it, and…

“Work does not happen on Friday afternoons.”

That felt good, didn’t? I bet it felt GREAT to admit that. You know it. Come on, you do. Don’t lie to me, you naughty little Friday afternoon meeting ferret.

Look, the last time I wrote about this issue was in November 2006. The rant seemed to do the job. People were finally “getting” that we prepare ourselves for two solid days of rest and relaxation. But bad habits die hard, and more and more people are hitting me up on Thursday evening for Friday afternoon meetings.

We don’t do meetings on Friday afternoons, okay? None of the employees at the desks in your office are working, either. They only sit upright when you walk past, because you’re such a fun-nazi. And look at that, you made them cock up their game of tetris.

Here’s two visual suggestions of things you could, and should be doing instead on a Friday afternoon.

I’d probably manage to pump out a few emails from there.

STOP THE PRESSES: Someone literally just had the audacity to suggest a Friday  afternoon meeting at three. This is a guy that I don’t mind – actually, scratch that, I like him, but if he honestly believes it’s not completely toilet to suggest having a meeting that will require concentration and hand-holding and following up literally TWO HOURS before the legal beginning of the weekend, then you are having one hell of a laugh my friend. And it’s RUDE.

Why don’t you just be true to yourself and admit the FACT that that no ones cares on a Friday afternoon. It’s rude, and it’s putting me in an awkward place, because you’re trying to show off.

And I’m not impressed.  It’s not clever,  it’s a let down. You’ve let me down. You look stupid. Stop it.

Stop. it.

Daddy loves you.

Who agrees with this? Hey? Let’s all get in a big circle and say together, “We don’t work on Friday afternoons.” Okay? It’s the honest thing to do.

Why do we even have Friday on our work calendars?

This is going further. Mark my words.