Friday, March 28, 2025

Matt Damon Impersonates John Malkovich [Video]

John Malkovich is a rather strange character, something made pretty clear when Matt Damon tells this story from a movie they did together.

It’s now 18 years since Matt Damon starred in Rounders, fleecing some dangerous characters out of serious cash to pay other dangerous characters.

One of those playing villain was John Malkovich, who loves playing an oddball on screen.

TIME are all worked up about this one so over to them:

In an interview…Damon talks about what it was like shooting with the actor. In the film, Damon plays a total good guy with a gambling addiction who loses a ridiculous amount of cash to the Russian gangster Teddy KGB, played by John Malkovich with a luxuriously overstated Russian accent. Apparently the transformation was way too abrupt for Damon’s standards, and Malkovich’s scene work really stuck with him.

Take it away Matt…
