Tuesday, March 11, 2025

If You Missed Piers Morgan’s Epic Takedown Of Kim Kardashian, It’s Here

The target of Piers Morgan's latest rant is Kim K, who arrives in the firing line for her critique of dear old Taylor Swift.

They say there’s a place that missing socks go to, a place we will somehow never stumble upon, and a part of me wishes that both Piers Morgan and Kim Kardashian would make that place home.

The only way Piers can stay relevant is through tweeting inflammatory garbage and penning his Daily Mail column, where he likes to sit on his golden throne and spew shite to the masses.

During his latest column, where he defends Taylor Swift like she gives a toss about his opinion, he turns his attention towards tuning Kim K.

Let’s just go ahead and see what Piers wrote then:

Taylor Swift is everything Kim Kardashian isn’t, and it’s driving the latter mad.

First, Taylor’s got an outstanding musical talent, for singing and songwriting, whereas Kim – by her own admission – has no discernible talent for anything other than shameless self-promotion.

Second, while they both claim to be feminists, only Taylor seems to understand what this actually means, promoting talent and a wholesome, dynamic image over the pathetic topless bird-flipping selfie nonsense which Kim falsely claims is so ‘empowering’ and ‘liberating’ to women.

It’s not, it’s just cheap, tawdry attention-seeking and the very last thing young impressionable women should be encouraged to do in public by female celebrities with tens of millions of followers on social media.

Taylor, as GQ observed, ‘never gratuitously sexualises her image and seems pathologically averse to controversy.’

By pursuing this path, she has managed to build one of the biggest brands in the history of pop music and retained her dignity, pride and sense of self-worth in the process.

I can’t think of anyone I currently admire more in the music business; she’s living proof that sometimes the good guys, and girls, do come first.

My response, therefore, to Kim Kardashian and all the other poisonous, green-eyed monsters out there currently trying to tear down Taylor Swift is simple: back off you sad, pathetic, envy-ridden people.

She’s a fantastic example of what every young women should strive to be: a true feminist whose talent, success, work ethic, behaviour and personality are all hugely positive role model messages.

I certainly know which modern female icon I’d prefer my 4-year-old daughter to want to emulate when she grows up and it isn’t the talentless, bird-flipping stripper.

Do I agree that Taylor Swift has more talent in her left pinky than Kim Kardashian has in total – maybe.

Does that make Piers any less of an insufferable prick – not at all.
