Tuesday, March 11, 2025

David Letterman Is Retired, Bald And Rocking A Radical Beard

When you've over three decades remaining clean cut for the cameras you can be excused for letting loose after retirement. Dave's gone all out it seems.

It was back in May of last year that late-night TV icon David Letterman strode out as host for the last time, hanging up his boots after a 33-year run.

Now, following in the footsteps of other late night hosts who have taken a break or retired, Dave has thrown away his razor and let his facial hair run wild. That or he’s chopped off his actual hair and stuck it to his face, he’s starting to resemble a rather well-known Christmas visitor at a rate of knots.

He was snapped in St. Barts this week and tabloids were stunned, NY Daily News having this to say:


Letterman, 68, was really showing his age on Tuesday while he jogged the beach completely bald and sporting a bushy white Santa Claus beard. The comedian worked out in a loose T-shirt of his alma mater, Ball State, and bright yellow bathing suit trunks.


Just two weeks ago, Letterman was photographed in India with a full head of hair, so the buzz-job is relatively recent.

When Letterman first started growing the beard after his last show in 2015, he said that his wife and kids hated it.

“I’ve kind of developed a real creepy look with it that I’m sort of enjoying,” he [said]. “And I can tell that people are off-put by it. And the more people implore me to shave, the stronger my resolve is to not shave.”

He went on to say he knows it’s not a good-looking beard, but after shaving every day for 33 years, he was tired of it.

I suppose when the TV network is paying you $14 million a year it’s worth keeping your facial hair in check – now time to stop giving a hoot and grow old disgracefully.
