There’s no doubt that “Jihadi Junior” is pretty darn cute – it’s just a pity that he has been placed in such a crappy position. After his mother took Isa Dare – that’s his real name – to Syria three years ago, the boy has been brainwashed into ISIS propaganda campaigns and the latest shows him pushing the button of a detonator, blowing up a car containing four ISIS prisoners.
Son of Muslim convert Grace ‘Khadija’ Dare from south east London then stands triumphantly next to the charred remains of the car, raising his hands to the sky and yelling
Allahu Akbar [God is [the] greatest]
But before that, the little kid was made to declare:
We are going to kill the kuffar [non-believers] over there.
The video then introduces us one by one to the prisoners who each confess their crimes. But before Isa pushed the detonator, the senior ISIS commander had a message for David Cameron:
You will never fight us except behind fortified fortresses or behind walls.
So no David Cameron, you’ve given the whole world more certainty in this [inaudible]. You’ve only done two things.
Prepare your army and gather your nations as we too are preparing our army.
Firstly, when you sent your spies to Syria and when you authorised for your men, thousands of miles away, to push a button to kill our brothers who lived in the West.
So today, we’re going to kill your spies the same way they helped you kill our brothers.
So prepare your army and gather your nations as we too are preparing our army.
In 2014, Isa’s mother posted a picture to her Twitter account of him holding an AK-47:
[source: dailymail]