Look guys, no one is saying that what eNCA senior anchor Andrew Barnes did on air was right. In case you missed it Barnes mocked Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga’s pronunciation of the word ‘epitome’ on air, the Minister having just delivered a speech regarding the 2015 Matric results.
Go on, here you can clearly hear him make the remarks once they return to studio
WATCH: @eNCA‘s Andrew mocking the Min of Basic Edu’s English word pronouncement of “epitome” #fireAndrewBarnespic.twitter.com/Nh9pEhaLmA
— @esethuhasane (@EsethuHasane) January 6, 2016
So here’s the thing – is he a bit of a twat for making that comment, given that he himself stumbled at various points with pronouncing Motshekga’s name? Yes, yes he is, and he should be dealt with accordingly. Some time away, yes indeed, go think about what you’ve done and do better.
But aren’t we just whipped up in a frenzy at present in the wake of old Penny, Justin van Vuuren and Velaphi Khumalo? We know people are idiots on social media, we know people are idiots online, both of these will come as news to no one.
We expect better of Barnes, given that he appears on television and should therefore always maintain a level of professionalism whilst doing so, but at what point are we going to stop with the outrage over every incident that rubs us the wrong way? News24 with this:
“We have begun disciplinary measures against Andrew Barnes. Andrew has been taken off air with an on air apology being broadcasted this afternoon,” [eNCA] told News24…
eNCA said Barnes’ comments were “not only hurtful and unnecessary, but deeply insensitive”, and also apologised for the incident…
Barnes offered an apology shortly after the incident.
“My heartfelt apologies for the hurtful comment I made about the Education Minister’s English today. You all expect more of me. I’m sorry,” he said.
The thing is out there in the real world no one says sorry every time they rub you the wrong way or cause offence. That’s not to excuse them, but rather to say every offence isn’t followed by a remorseful expression of regret.
Do better out there and do less that warrants an apology. Do better and call out people – friends, family or otherwise – who insist on behaving in a manner that doesn’t do this country justice.
Just don’t jump on the bandwagon and scream from the rafters every time someone wrongs you, our negativity and faux outrage only fuels some of these morons on.