When you’re the CEO of the world’s foremost dating / hookup app you want to watch what kind of image you project, both about yourself and the company you represent.
With that in mind let’s all take a moment to consider how poorly Sean Rad handled himself during an interview ahead of his company’s IPO next week. Bear in mind that these public offerings can be risky business so this is a pretty crucial time for Rad to come across well, which is what makes this exchange so cringe-worthy. Here’s BusinessInsider:
“You can’t deny Tinder is what the world wants”…adding that Tinder has managed to solve “the biggest problem in humanity: that you’re put on this planet to meet people”…
Flanked by Tinder’s VP of communications, Rosette Pambakian, Rad put his foot in his mouth discussing his affinity for smart women:
“He continues: ‘Apparently there’s a term for someone who gets turned on by intellectual stuff. You know, just talking. What’s the word?’ His face creases the effort of trying to remember. ‘I want to say ‘sodomy’?’
Rosette shrieks: ‘That’s it! We’re going to be fired’ and Rad looks confused. ‘What? Why?’
I tell him it means something else and he thumbs his phone for a definition. ‘What? No, not that. That’s definitely not me. Oh, my God.'”
Yeah I’m willing to bet sodomy wasn’t the word he was after there. Then there’s this from the Daily Mail:
Speaking about the supermodel who allegedly begged him for sex, Los Angeles-based Rad said: ‘She’s one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen but it doesn’t mean that I want to rip her clothes off.’
He adds that attraction is nuanced, and says he’s been attracted to women who his friends might consider ugly.
Now all of this said between friends at the pub wouldn’t drum up any interest, but as we mentioned before now is not the time for Rad to be using sodomy incorrectly in an interview.
After all, you’d think that’s one word the CEO of Tinder would have a decent grasp of.