Could Bill Gates be the modern day (technological) answer to Nostradamus? Perhaps, but more than likely he is just the same ol’ creative tech genius who harbours a profound vision and understanding of people and their relationship with the internet.
Back in 1999, Bill Gates wrote a book entitled Business @ the Speed of Thought. In it, Bill outlined how information systems, the Internet, and technology in general would change the way that businesses function. Markus Kirjonen is studying business in Finland and after finishing it, wrote an extensive outline of how Bill Gate’s book is tremendously relevant still today and the different aspects you can learn from it. He also listed some predictions of Bill’s that have come true:
1. Price comparison sites
I wonder, if Bill had to write a book today, what we he would suggest we would see in the next 15 years. Click through to see more predictions from Bill Gates.
[source: time]