Tuesday, March 11, 2025

August 17, 2015

In South Africa It’s A National Headline If The Electricity Stays On For A Week

A week of electricity deserves nothing more than a national headline as Eskom attempts to encourage positivity with its epically failed brand.

Honestly, I don’t know what it is but I have hardly experienced any load shedding this year. Perhaps it’s my house’s close range to Groote Schuur, but damn it has been good when the only load shedding is while at work. #winning

However for the rest of you South African folk, it must be terrible! In an attempt to give you all the hope and encourage you to carry on using less electricity, yesterday Eskom released a press release celebrating a week without load shedding:

The power system continues to remain stable enabling the power utility to perform maintenance for the seventh consecutive day without load shedding. BUT a risk remains during the evening period between 5pm and 9 pm when the demand for electricity increases.

This went on to make a national headline. At least it’s a positive one.

[source: timeslive]