Just mention the word tax and it’s basically recoil in horror time. It almost doesn’t matter if the news is good or bad, it’s just the notion of having to crunch numbers that leaves many of us wishing we lived in simpler times when we sat around fires and ate meat off the bone.
We still do that from time to time but that’s a story best left for another time, we’re here to try and calm the four-headed beast that is filing your tax returns. The best thing to do, we find, is to make your problems someone else’s. That’s why we want you to meet EpicTax, a bunch of highly-qualified tax practitioners that do your dirty work through an easy-to-use app.
There are a host of things we like about these guys, starting with their rather simple pricing model based off your earnings. Rake in less than R350 000 per annum and it’s R235 you’re forking over; between R350 000 and R500 000 and it’s R345, and for you big swingers netting over half a million rand it’s a flat fee of R455.
In addition to their easy to understand rates, the app offers a number of brilliant free features. These include a quick tax calculator, a chat platform to interact with tax practitioners, the latest and most relevant tax updates and news, tax clearance certificates and a guide to tax registration. Think of these guys as your personal pocket practitioners, available to help out wherever you might be.
A word of advice from those in the know regarding the changes in the tax threshold from SARS, changes that see those earning less than R350 000 not having to file a return. Many experts advise that peeps should still file a return as a final reassurance that their employer is deducting the correct amount of tax. There have been many cases where employees were under the impression that the taxes were deducted and paid to SARS, but either the tax amount was incorrect or, even worse, taxes were deducted but not paid over to SARS.
Completing your tax return will ensure peace of mind on matters such as those and allow you to claim all those deductions that other people keep on telling me about. Upcoming app features will include a GPS digital logbook to calculate travel allowances and a file sharing option using your camera and a Whatsapp-like platform.
And that right there is why tax doesn’t need to be that monster hanging over your head, the beast that just won’t go away. Introduce yourself to the folks at EpicTax and rest assured that your tax hassles are a thing of the past.
As for how the government spends that tax? Sorry guys and girls, that is beyond anyone’s control.