Saturday, March 29, 2025

July 23, 2015

Base Jumper Uses Clamps In His Skin To Attach Canopy [Video]

It takes a particular kind of human to make a hobby out of flinging yourself off of buildings and cliffs. Then you meet this guy and you really have to wonder.

Sometimes flinging yourself off a 380 foot (116 metres) cliff just isn’t crazy enough and you need to up the ante. Super toit star-spangled banner pants, check. A killer location in Tonsai, Thailand, check. Something more though, something to really set you apart from the rest of the BASE jumping crowd…

Meet Josh Miramant, the American who seems to have taken quite a liking to his new hobby. What you’re looking at above is his 22nd BASE jump in the three week period since he took up the sport, although his latest effort took a rather different approach. Over to Inertia:

…this style of BASE jumping is called suspension BASE jumping. What exactly is suspension BASE jumping? Per Josh Miramant: “In a nutshell, it is piercing metal hooks into the skin of my back, attaching a canopy, and BASE jumping, relying solely on the hooks to hold.”

You would be hard-pressed to fling me off a cliff at the best of times. Using my skin as the sole source of safety is one step too far.

Good luck to you mate, we’ll applaud from a distance.
