Friday, March 28, 2025

March 19, 2015

TRENDWATCH: People Are Choosing Tea Over Coffee

The great tea vs coffee debate: which one is better? I think the choice depends on the situation you are in. Crying? Make tea. Walking the snowy streets of New York? Coffee.

According to research done by the National Coffee Association, there has been a drop in coffee consumption. I’m just going to tell them now that they clearly looked at the wrong demographics because come hell or high water nothing will keep the 2ov staff from having our cup of Vida coffee every morning. NOTHING.

Anyway, back to the point.

Apparently tea is making a bit of a comeback. Haha. How sweet.

No but seriously:

Last year, 61% of respondents said they drank at least one cup of coffee per day. This year, that number is 59%. It’s clearly a trend: the number was 63% in 2013’s survey.

That, my friends, is some hardcore mathematics.

Tea consumption has grown in the USA since 1990, and reached a ‘wholesale value’ of $10 billion in 2014. Could this be a trend towards people trying to be more healthy? It is generally considered that tea has less caffeine in it than coffee, and is thus seen as the healthier option. According to the Mayo Clinic, a regular 237ml cup of black tea has 14-70mg of caffeine in it, whilst the same size serving of brewed filter coffee has anywhere between 96-200mg. Here’s an infographic so you can make your choice.

*Stands up, stretches, puts on another pot of coffee*

[Source: Time]