Friday, March 28, 2025

January 21, 2015

This Is How Our Students Get Money From Our Government For Partying And Shopping

Good grief but kids are clever these days, managing to get money to support their partying habits from all different sources. Too bad they've been figured out.

Look, we’re all strapped for cash when we’re 19 and fresh out of school. We want to party and drink and still have money left over to put petrol in the car. Not to mention the incessant need to shop at YDE (is that place still open?).

But, is this taking it too far?

Some kids are getting money from their parents AND managing to get extra moolah from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. This can only equate to the most fabulous freaking O-week on the planet for some.

The department of Higher Education and Training has had to start a “forensic probe”.

People falsify affidavits and claim that they are indigent and get an affidavit to prove it. Meanwhile, all parents are working and earning decent salaries

Let’s do the financial breakdown quickly:

So far, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme has given bursaries to over 1.5 million students since 1996. That equates to around R50billion. Last year saw 420 000 students receive loans, and they’re hoping to reach 4million students a year by 2020.

Obviously a huge problem is getting back the loans and financial aid. According to Kagisho Mamabolo, the schemes spokesperson, “former students owed the fund about R7.5 billion”.

We will find them through Sars data. If they pay tax, we will find them in one way or another.

Thankfully SARS is on board to help.

Check out CityPress for the full story.