Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Football Players Get Stuck In Awkward Position During Chelsea / Liverpool Game [Images]

John Terry and Raheem Sterling became very well-acquainted with each other's nether regions last night during the match between Chelsea and Liverpool.

Woe betide any football player snapped in an uncompromising position during a match. Cue social media meme-makers. Hilarity ensues.

We’ll be honest, the position Raheem Sterling and John Terry found themselves in does lend itself towards some ridiculing.

This is the same John Terry who slept with his Chelsea teammate Wayne Bridge’s girlfriend, knocking her up in the process. He then paid for her to have a secret abortion, keeping this secret from his own wife of course. Don’t get us started on Ryan Giggs.

Anyway, Twitter went wild with plenty of funny takes on the position. Some of our picks below from Metro:

Check out the full story HERE.