Sorry ugly people, you’re not invited to this online party. LoveRoom is an online dating site that lets singles rent rooms from other singles. But only if they’re deemed “attractive enough” by the online community.
The website claims that it can help you find your soulmate, but it sounds suspiciously like a shortcut to a one night stand. Here’s the message that greets you on the opening page:
A platform where single people from all around the world can rent their living space to others under one condition: they need to be attractive.
The criteria for what makes someone “attractive” are not mentioned.
The website includes handy tips on how to avoid the awkwardness of inviting a stranger into your home, like: “Do some research on that person,” and “make sure your host is a hottie.”
You can interact with other “hotties” by uploading photos, adding friends and sending private messages in order to get to know your potential host/date/axe murderer.
We have Josh Bocangera to thank for this invention. The website went live last week and so far 41 people have signed up.
[Source : psfk]