Friday, March 28, 2025

September 4, 2013

WATCH: Guy Captures His Breakup On Vine [Video]

Here's how not to deal with a crazy girlfriend: Film the two of you fighting and post it to Vine.

Here’s how not to deal with a crazy girlfriend: Film the two of you fighting and post it to Vine.

Poor guy, his (now ex) girlfriend is fighting with him because he liked another girl’s picture on Instagram. He’s clearly fed up with her pointless bickering, so he decides to film her little freakout and post it onto Vine. She didn’t like that though, resulting in our man getting a quick klap to the back of his head.

This Vine post is titled, “You guys just witnessed by breakup…#Damn”

He explains himself,

long story short, this was like a 3 month relationship and as you can see I didn’t take any of the her bs too serious… problems this early on? no thanks I was out! haha.

Probably for the best.

[Source : Gawker, Vine]