DA’s Mandela, Suzman Pamphlet Raises ANC’s Ire – A Democratic Alliance pamphlet showing former president Nelson Mandela and activist Helen Suzman embracing has angered the ANC, it was reported. [mail&guardian]
Teen: I Am Not the Boston Marathon Bomber – The teenage boy authorities once investigated as possibly being connected to the Boston Marathon bombing told ABC News today he was shocked to see his face pop up on television and all over social media. [abc]
First Book Printed In America Could Sell For $30m (R275 Million) – The first book printed in America is expected to fetch up to $30m (£20m) when it goes under the hammer in New York later this year. [bbc]
Surfer Had Lost Will To Live – Cape Town surfer, Brett Archibald (great name), says he had lost his will to live after disappearing overboard off the coast of Indonesia but managed to “pull myself together”. [news24]
Google Now Has $50 Billion in Cash for Acquisitions and Investments – Next time you wonder how Google can afford to buy dozens of startups every year, consider just how much money it has on hand. That’s 458 billion in Rands.. [mashable]
Elvis Impersonator Charged Over Poison Letter Sent To Obama – Federal prosecutors filed criminal charges on Thursday against a Mississippi man, who worked as an Elvis impersonator, for threatening to harm President Barack Obama by sending him a letter that initially tested positive for the deadly poison ricin. [yahoo]
Can You Ignore A R870 Million Prize? – That’s what you will be turning down if you don’t buy a cheap-as-all-hell ticket to the Powerball lottery which is currently sitting on $95 Million. Buy tickets online [here]
YouTube Prevails in Viacom Copyright Suit — Again – Media giant Viacom lost yet another legal salvo today toward getting as much as $1 billion from Google for allegedly violating music and video copyrights on the YouTube video service. [wired]
Gang Steals 8 Rhino Horns From Ireland’s National Museum – Masked men stole stuffed rhinoceros heads containing eight valuable horns from the warehouse of Ireland’s National Museum, police and museum officials said Thursday, in a heist being linked to an Irish Gypsy gang that specializes in such raids across Europe. [washpo]
Reuters Erroneously Reports George Soros’ Death – Days after 80-year-old conservative mega-financier Bob Perry died, the Reuters news agency erroneously posted an obituary for George Soros, his liberal counterpart. [washtim]
3 Planets Discovered With Right Size, Location For Life – NASA’s planet-hunting telescope discovered three planets that seem like ideal places for some sort of life to flourish. They are at a distance that could allow for water, a key ingredient for life. [usatoday]
Google Forbids Resell Or Loan Of Google Glass – Want Google Glass? You better be committed because the search giant has forbidden the resale, loan, transfer or gifting of its highly-anticipated device. [cbsnews]
Gwyneth Paltrow Named Most Hated Celebrity In Hollywood, Beating Anne And Kristen – She’s made a career for herself away from acting with her health-conscious books and website. But it seems many people find Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle more than a little irritating, with the actress topping a new poll of the most hated celebrities in Hollywood. [dailymail]
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