Tuesday, March 11, 2025

March 28, 2013

12 Apps That Will Improve Your Life, Immediately [PICS + VIDEO]

The future is now, people. And with apps like these, it’s now-now. For your visual pleasure, just enjoy this list of 12 apps that take science fiction, and make it science awesome.

1# – Anatomy 4D (Free)

Get yourself as close to the human anatomy as possible without actually cutting someone up, with the Anatomy 4D. This augmented reality app makes it easier for users to experiment with human body, giving people who don’t actually have access to bodies and scalpels the ability to check out what’s going on beneath the skin.


2# – Vio ($2,99)

Use this app to transform your voice from whatever state it’s in to a peaceful ersatz version of Imogen Heap, just like that. Even if you sound like Sweet Brown with a bad case of hangover throat, Vio will be able to correct pitch and invent unique sounds that are pleasing to the ear.

How it works:



#3 – RC Plane 2 ($0,99)

Ever tried to fly a remote control plane? I have, and it always ends up crashing into the roof or a hopeless child playing on the beach. This never would have happend if I knew of the RC Plane 2 app. This nifty piece of technology helps you learn how to fly said plane via a simulation game on your phone. The app comes equipped with different maps, plans and modes enough to turn you from a rookie flyer like me into a pro, without the injuries.


#4 – Spyglass ($3,99)

What we have here is an augmented reality compass, overlaying directional and environmental data on top of images from your video camera. With Spyglass you can:

  • Determine the elevation of an object with the inclinometer.
  • Determine the angular position between two objects.
  • Determine the range to an object using the military reticle technique.
  • Determine latitude, longitude, speed and heading.
  • Overlay a compass on a local map.
  • Zoom the camera/viewfinder image.
  • Display the position of the sun, moon, and Polaris (the North Star).
  • Overlay optical filters on viewfinder to enhance contrast.

Eat your heart out, guys with beards.

#5 – Cycloramic ($0.99)

Cycloramic is an iPhone app that can take a full 360-degree photo, hands-free.

Check out how it works:

#6 – Fog The World ($0,99)

This app is perfect for those of you have itchy feet, or just live for exploring. Fog The World tracks where you’ve been around the world by removing fog from a map in the same way that fog is removed as you explore the map of a strategy game. The game also lets you compete with other users. Get exploring!


#7 – Action Movie FX (Free)

This app allows you to apply endless special effects filters to your stock film footage, including plane explosions, monsters, bombs and shoot outs.

Hey, beautiful.

#8 – Carrot ($0,99)

Are those to do lists killing you? What if your chores were turned into a game? More specifically, what if your phone hurled abuse at you when you didn’t get stuff done? Carrot is a virtual assistant that turns your tasks into a game. Carrot has two personalities. Succeed in your tasks, and Carrot is happy. Fail, and face her terrible wrath!

#9 – Bump (Free)

Transferring images, documents, movies and music from one smart device to another can be incredibly tedious. This application allows the transferin of media to become as easy as literally bumping the two gadgets together. Both devices need the application, and a WiFi connection.

Instructions for phone to laptop transfer:

Phone to phone transfer:


#10 – Haiku Deck (Free)

Sick of the classic Powerpoint, keynote or Presie presentation tools? Haiku Deck is an app for iPad that makes creating a mind blowing presentation easier and more visually pleasing than ever before. Haiku Deck has a huge selection of themes, layouts, filters for you to impress your boss, and clients with.

#11 – Discover Music ($0,99)

If you’re in a music rut, Discover Music gives you the push you need to get out of it. Similar to the popular LastFM app, Discover Music prompts you with artists that are similar to the those on your existing playlist.

 #12 – SnapShop Showroom (Free)

If you don’t have an interior decorator, or someone with a gifted eye, you’ll probably stuff up the decoration of your house. That’s the honest truth. This augmented reality app serves a version of your room, and let’s your overlay the visual with virtual pieces of furniture. So you’ll know if the place will suck, or not. Awesome!

[Source: Business Insider, Cha Cha, Drippler]