Friday, March 28, 2025

June 23, 2010


Wow. You know when an entire society grows up with a certain ultra-influential cartoon character, and that cartoon character subtly peddles cocaine to other cartoon characters, and then suddenly in the 1970s, when all the guys and girls who grew up with that character become the first generation to vigorously export cocaine around the world? Me neither, until now.

Check it out. Mickey Mouse is a cocaine don, and he’s “opening up the market” in Africa. Someone should probably tip off Interpol.

In the 1950s, speed was legally sold over the counter as pep-pills, or in this case liquid “peppo”, and was flogged as a pick-me-up for mopey house wives, narcoleptic teenagers and cutesy cartoon characters. Also, the millions of happily-adjusted people who figured out that it gave them a mind blowing high probably bought some every now and then.

Thank you for rubber-stamping the drug trade, Walt Disney.

[Source :]