If you’re one of the people that made up 20,000 views of our last Weather Girls show with Landi Swanepoel, you’ll appreciate this. If you didn’t watch that video, you’re making a grave mistake – because you will more than likely fall off your chair – for a variety of reasons.
Not least of which being the glory that is Peroni/Guess girl, Landi Swanepoel! And it is with great pride and honour that I give you this sneak preview Landi – on the cover of the Jeans Magazine in the latest Cosmo.
That chick’s a fucking pro! All the more reason to buy the latest Cosmopolitan magazine girls *cough* and boys!
You’ll recognise it fairly quickly – it’s got that lunatic, Lady Gaga on the cover..
Rah rah….. rah-rah-rah, Gagah… rah-rah-rah!