Saturday, February 1, 2025

October 28, 2024

AA Slams VIP ‘Blue-Light Brigade Bullies’ Again: Are Ordinary Road Users Really The Threat On Gauteng Highways?

“The message from official personnel is that their passengers are more important than other road users and that the public must simply yield or face personal attack.”


The Automobile Association (AA) isn’t one to wade into political waters, but its latest press release is bound to stir the pot. Those who brave the highways and byways of Gauteng every day will surely resonate with the AA’s concerns.

With a noticeable rise in blue-light convoys on the province’s roads, the AA warns that these VIP brigades are endangering the safety of everyday motorists, per The Citizen.

It cited the “vicious assault” on three drivers on the N1 highway in Fourways in 2023 as “a good example of how protection officers in the motorcades respond to others”.

“The message from these official personnel is that their passengers are more important than other road users and that the public must simply yield or face personal attack.”
