Following a record-breaking run of the 2023 Lifestyle Survey, we reached out to the data gurus at Brandmapp to see what makes you, our discerning yet mischievous reader, tick.
With more than 50,000 people participating in the survey, it represents the definitive study of the top 30% of South Africans by income and boasts more than 240 question fields with 1,300 brand filters that include retail, food, beverages, financial services, automotive choices, and travel.
In short, if you ever gazed into a mirror and wondered “Who am I?”, the survey would be able to give you a fairly accurate picture.
Not surprisingly, our readers once again distinguished themselves as people with impeccable taste and a refined lust for life. Take a bow dear reader, and thanks for sticking around.
While we will, in time, delve into the finer nuances that make you as awesome as you are, it was particularly heartening to learn that the average 2OV reader prefers Apple products far above any other tech brand, which warmed our Apple-loving hearts.
Not only do the vast majority of you use Macbooks, but even your bedtime scrolling through Instagram is done on an iPhone, so rest assured that we will continue keeping you up to date on the latest innovations and best deals our partners at Digicape, the premium supplier of all things Apple, has to offer.