Monday, February 3, 2025

May 28, 2024

Nail-Biting Footage Of Plane Narrowly Missing Buildings To Make Emergency Landing In Sydney [Video]

The Cessna skimmed over two hangars before hitting the runway and grinding to a halt.


A pilot in a light aeroplane made a movie-like crash landing in Australia after narrowly skimming over several houses in a Sydney suburb.

The Cessna lost power during flight, forcing the pilot to make a mayday call to report an engine problem and glide its way back home.

Footage shows the plane coming nail-bitingly close to trees and buildings as the pilot, Jake Swanepoel, steered the aircraft towards Bankstown Airport in Sydney’s southwest, before making a safe belly landing. Swanepoel’s wife Karin, was the only passenger on board.

“It was very close we didn’t think we were going to make this landing strip here. You were thinking about all these homes you could potentially if you didn’t make the runway.”

Nobody was harmed during the ‘textbook crash landing’ and footage shows Jake and his wife casually strolling away from the plane after coming to a stop.

Swanepoel sounds suspiciously South African to us, which might explain why he managed to keep so cool – Maverick’s got nothing on our pilots.
