Just when fashion has finally accepted the result of Goofy’s one-night-stand with a flip-flop, the people at Crocs decide to double down on its “up yours” to eyeballs everywhere, and give us the Crocs X Pringles.
Of course ‘feet’ is the first thing you think of when popping a can of Pringles (especially the Sour Cream-flavoured ones), so it does make sense in a way to find a way to house your snacks close to your footwear, but this madness goes beyond the realm of kitsch, right into the asylum of unnecessary accessories, such as Balenciaga’s $3,300 duct-tape bracelet.
Described as an “endearing cross-over that will sell out faster than a stack of Pringles”, the Pringles x Crocs Classic Clog features a puffy heel strap in the shape of Pringles’ iconic black moustache, but with the colours of the shoes intentionally mismatched. The “Original” colourway has one red and one orange clog and the “Sour Cream & Onion” pair has one green and one blue.
Both come with the same five Jibbitz: a chip, the official Pringles logo, two versions of Mr P and a container of chips according to the “flavour” of your shoe.
No, no, no, and hell no. Despite the noise two cans of half-eaten Pringles strapped to your boots will make, the price tag of R4,469 should be enough reason to run for the hills – barefoot mind you, lest you be pursued by a gang of hungry toddlers.
Perhaps I am the only one recoiling in horror at the sight of these bad boys, so expect to see them in playgrounds everywhere, and certainly at the next AfrikaBurn – stuffed with snacks and whatnot.Food and feet should be kept apart, not coupled in a blasphemous orgy of colourful foam and wheat starch.