Saturday, March 15, 2025

September 27, 2023

The US Customs And Border Patrol Quietly Shared 10 New Videos Of ‘UFOs’

So, the US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) published 10 videos along with 387 pages of reports including news clippings and firsthand accounts of sightings of UAPs on their website.

[imagesource:flickr/Alan Levine]

Lately, the United States government has been ramping up conversation and serious consideration for what is now officially being called ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon’ (UAPs not UFOs), describing any object in the atmosphere that cannot be immediately identified.

While the US Congress finally held a public hearing into claims that the government was concealing a longstanding programme that retrieves and reverse engineers UAPs – don’t worry, you didn’t miss much; the outcome was a predictable ‘maybe, maybe not’ situation – a handful of new videos of various strange objects were quietly released to the public.

The Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) published 10 videos along with 387 pages of reports including news clippings and firsthand accounts of sightings of UAPs on their website.

HITC notes that the videos were all investigated by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force (UAPTF), a government group created in 2020. All of the clips are in black and white and show flying objects being tracked over land, presumably by the army.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

You can find the other videos over here.

According to NBC News, Chris Mellon, a former Secretary of Defense for Intelligence official, said the videos will help the public better understand why this is a national security issue.

Mellon said, “We’re getting, on the Defense Department side, 50 to 100 [UFO] reports per month – and this is happening globally”.

Seriously, though, the decades of grand myth-making will be hard to shatter with such consistently grainy footage. Show us a crystal clear video, and then we’ll talk.
