Sunday, March 30, 2025

If Your Eyes Are Giving Away Your Age, This Is For You

No matter how youthful you feel inside, you may have noticed that your eyes are starting to hint at just how many candles were on your last birthday cake.


No matter how youthful you feel inside, you may have noticed that your eyes are starting to hint at just how many candles were on your last birthday cake.

From crinkling and creasing around the eyes to dark circles and bags underneath, there are a few things you need to know and do in order to look as youthful as possible, too.

It’s time to look your eyes in the, um, eye, and give them an age-defying wink. Don’t worry, the doctors and aesthetic professionals from Skin Renewal are here to hold your hand as you do it.

As we get older, we all end up carrying a little more baggage under our eyes than we would like.

This is really just mild swelling or puffiness under the eyes. As you age, the delicate tissue around your eyes weakens, and some of the muscles supporting your eyelids lose their youthful exuberance and stamina. The fatty tissue that used to act as scaffolding for your eyes and eyelids can shift to the lower eyelids, causing them to appear puffy.

Add a fluid build-up from lack of sleep and poor diet/hydration, and you’ve got the recipe for someone wildly exclaiming something like “Oh, are you sick? You don’t look so well.” Yeah, no thanks.

In addition to the right treatments and products, under-eye bags can easily be reduced by using a cool compress at home. This explains the slices of cucumber on the eyes look that has been doing the rounds in the wellness world for aeons.

More recently, you may have seen influencers and celebs popping the back of a fresh-outta-the-fridge teaspoon on their eyes before letting their glam squad get to work. Now you know there is some method to the chilled cutlery madness.

Did you know that there is a difference between eye bags and festoons?

Under eye bags or bulges happen when there are fatty deposits protruding forward creating that heavy eye bag area. Festoons happen when the musculature, i.e. the muscles and ligament that support the under-eye area, become slack, sagging and drooping to create a heavy under-eye area look. 

The direction to take with treatment for eye bags is to target the fatty deposits and follow up with skin tightening treatments to lift and firm, while for the festoons, it is recommended to look at each case individually. Sometimes you can focus on skin tightening to lift and firm, but sometimes you have to treat it with filler to support and myo-modulate the area and then tighten and firm the skin for support. In this case, it is best to consult your nearest Skin Renewal doctor.

Now, to shed some light on dark circles.

There are several reasons you could be experiencing dark circles under your eyes. It could be from vitamin deficiencies – a lack of vitamin B12, E, K and D – to a bit of a ‘go slow’ in the collagen and elastin production departments, making the tiny blood vessels under the surface of the under-eye area more visible. Iron deficiency is also proven to go hand in hand with dark circles, no matter how much beauty sleep you regularly get.

Two Treatments For Your Eyes Worth a Closer Look

If you’re looking older, premature ageing of the peri-orbital region (the area that extends from the upper and lower eyelids to the eyebrows) could be the cause. In this case, you want to look at industry-leading, truly innovative pre-rejuvenation and rejuvenation treatments.

Botulinum Toxin Treatments like Botox® or Dysport injections are magic bullets for preventing wrinkles. They temporarily inhibit muscle movement, stopping the constant motions that become etched on your face as a wrinkle.

Then, the Endyeye treatment is a non-surgical eye lift treatment that uses two potent treatment modalities within the same session to give the patient comprehensive skin rejuvenation for the eye area. The treatment incorporates Radiofrequency (RF) energy delivered by means of RF Needling, followed by FSR (Fractional Skin Rejuvenation) with the Endymed FSR device to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin around the eyes. It is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed in-clinic by one of our trained Skin Renewal therapists.

The Endyeye treatment is typically performed in two to four sessions, each spaced one to two months apart. During each session, a topical anaesthetic is applied to the skin around the eyes. Then, the Endyeye treatment is performed, making the treatment as comfortable as possible for the patient.

The Endyeye treatment is generally well-tolerated, with minimal side effects. Some people may experience redness and swelling around the eyes after the treatment but these side effects typically go away within a few days.

The Endyeye treatment can help to improve a variety of eye area concerns, including:

  • Under-eye bags
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Lax skin
  • Dark circles
  • Drooping eyelids

The results of the Endyeye treatment are typically long-lasting, lasting for up to 12 months. However, the results may gradually fade over time and require maintenance.

Either way, the highly-trained doctors at Skin Renewal branches nationwide (all very experienced injectors, btw) have the expertise and experience to help you defy gravity, turn back time and address your ‘wrinkling and crinkling’ concerns, making you look younger, fresher, and more relaxed – but never frozen, don’t worry.