Friday, March 21, 2025

What In The “Wingardium Leviosa” Is Up With Emma Watson’s Dress [Image]

It's been 12 years since Emma Watson starred in 'Harry Potter', but that doesn't mean she doesn't still have a sense of magic.


It’s been 12 years since Emma Watson starred in Harry Potter, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t still have a sense of magic.

In fact, she’s been confusing the internet to no end with a seemingly floating dress.

As Glamour notes, she’s as clever as her character Hermione Granger, getting attention for her latest venture – a gin company she founded with her brother – not with nudity or silly gimmicks but with a fancy gravity-defying designer dress posted on her Instagram.

Most people say they have been staring at the dress for minutes upon minutes without being able to figure out how it works, with many jokingly referencing the levitating charm taught to first-year students at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the Harry Potter books and films.

“The dress said wingardium leviosa,” reads the top comment, to which we are legally bound to respond, it’s LeviOsa, not LevioSA!

Another added, “This dress is defying physics.” Yup. One commenter drew a comparison between Watson—who played Belle in the live-action Beauty and the Beast—and another Disney princess: “She’s wearing what Ariel wore when she got legs lol.” Wrote an equally confused follower, “After reading through comments, I feel less bad about how long I had to stare at her dress to figure out what was happening 😂” Okay but…what is happening? And how long did you stare? Do I have to devote an entire afternoon to this?

It’s more like this is what happens when you say “Leowe” instead of “Leviosa”:

Image: Instagram / Emma Watson

The fact that Emma’s brother’s shirt is buttoned incorrectly is very quickly dwarfed by her Loewe dress, which is suspended on spikes around her collarbone, creating a sort of “half-constructed tent” look.

The look comes from the Spanish designer’s spring 2023 collection:

Image: Glamour

Watson started the liquor company Renais Spirits with her brother Alex and father Chris after taking a break from acting, notes Newsweek. Her last major role was in 2019’s Little Women and even though she plans to make a return to acting, Watson opened up on her reasons for needing a pause.

“I wasn’t very happy, if I’m being honest,” Watson told the Financial Times. “I think I felt a bit caged. The thing I found really hard was that I had to go out and sell something that I really didn’t have very much control over.”

“To stand in front of a film and have every journalist be able to say, ‘How does this align with your viewpoint?’ It was very difficult to have to be the face and the spokesperson for things where I didn’t get to be involved in the process,” she said, and described how she was “held accountable in a way that I began to find really frustrating, because I didn’t have a voice, I didn’t have a say.”

It’s clearly not easy getting away from being Hermione, either.
