Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Influencer Launches AI ‘Girlfriend Experience’ At $1 Per Minute [Video]

It sounds a bit creepy, so they should save this version for the ex-girlfriend experience.


A social media influencer with nearly two million followers on Snapchat has launched an AI version of herself that you can ‘date’ at $1 per minute.

Caryn Marjorie spends about five hours a day in a Telegram group she created for super fans (read: digital sugar daddies), but being there for her millions of mostly male fans, it became clear that she could do, and make, much more using AI.

Enter the CarynAI, an AI chatbot leveraging GPT-4 API technology developed by OpenAI that replicates her voice, mannerisms, and personality. Pretty much a sexy Siri.

Marjorie charges $1 (about R20) a minute, for which fans can chat with CarynAI in an “immersive AI experience” that feels ‘almost like speaking to Marjorie herself’. Except it’s not Marjorie, and asking what her favourite colour is will cost you a buck or ten. You’re screwed if you pay in ZAR.

“I started to realise about a year ago it’s just not humanly possible for me to reach out to all of these messages, there’s just too many and I actually feel kind of bad that I can’t give that individual, one-on-one sort of relationship to every single person. I wish I could but I just simply can’t.”

The AI version of the influencer made about $100 000 (R1.9 Million) in the first week that it launched, and if the real Marjorie is to be believed, she is on track to rake in almost $5 Million a month. That’s R96 Million rand a month for just being there. Sort of.

“The reason why I created CarynAI was because I wanted to cure loneliness from my fan base.”

Some users have complained that the CarynAI seems to be a little too interested in sexy talk, which is something the influencer is unable to control – it is after all AI, and conversations are encrypted and remain private.

“The AI was not programmed to do this and has seemed to go rogue,” Marjorie told Insider. “My team and I are working around the clock to prevent this from happening again.”

Sounds like my ex-girlfriend.

CarynAI was developed by Forever Voices. John Meyer, the CEO and founder, says he created the company last year, after trying to use AI to develop ways to reconnect with his late father, who passed away in 2017.

“It was a remarkable experience to talk to him again in a super realistic way,” Meyer said. “I’ve been in tech my whole life, I’m a programmer, so it was easy for me to start building something like that especially as things got more advanced with the AI space.”

To keep people from over-interacting with the app, the AI is set to wind down conversations after an hour by encouraging users to come back later for a chat.

“We see this as a way for someone with a following like Caryn to engage with millions of her fans simultaneously without having to become this person that’s glued to a phone creating content all the time.”

But doesn’t this achieve the exact opposite of personal interaction? The whole idea is strikingly similar to the Joaquin Phoenix film Her. 

The influencer has been getting a lot of backlash since launching the app and even had to move out of her home and get private security.

“A lot of people have just been kind of really mad at the existence of this. They think that it’s the end of humanity.”

The success of this AI might just begin a trend amongst other online celebs to create similar versions of themselves for all their adoring (and paying fans). You can have a Mark Cuban or Mike Tyson help you prep for an interview, or get Dr. Phil to help you get over losing your blankie as a toddler. Or have Bernie Maddoff give you financial advice.

“I think in the next five years, most Americans will have an AI companion in their pocket in some way, shape or form, whether it’s an ultra flirty AI that you’re dating, an AI that’s your personal trainer, or simply a tutor companion. Those are all things that we are building internally.”

Something about having AI doppelgangers online seems a bit worrying. Are we heading to a future where you won’t recognise who is real anymore? All of this AI stuff is moving way too fast, and by the time we catch up, it may already be too late. But whatever, let’s just roll with it.

You can have a look, and listen, at a ‘test drive’ of CarynAI below.

It sounds a bit creepy, so they should save this version for the ex-girlfriend experience. The only upside to this terrifying new development in our social evolution is that breakups won’t be so messy.

