Metal detecting has become a popular hobby for many, but a Danish girl found more than just beercans and earrings when she ventured into a local cornfield.
The young girl from Autumn, Denmark unearthed a staggering cache of nearly 300 silver Viking coins, along with several pieces of jewellery dated to the mid-960s.
What makes the find so remarkable is the presence of silver coins from all across the world, including German, Arab, and Irish pieces. The jewellery also indicated that the treasure was most likely ‘liberated’ from high-society individuals, such as two ornately braided decorated balls on a small silver rod – analyses indicated that this piece was brought over from Ireland, some 2000 kilometres away.
Unfortunately, the Vikings were not that interested in pretty jewellery, and most of the silver pieces were broken up, possible to separate the haul according to weight.

“If there were disturbances at Fyrkat, it makes good sense that the local magnate here at Bramslev would choose to hide his valuables out of the way.”
According to IFLS, the treasure was spread out across the Danish cornfield, but this likely occurred because of decades of tilling the soil. Nonetheless, a find of such a size so close to an ancient Viking stronghold gives archaeologists an opportunity to connect the treasures with a specific grouping and time.
It’s unsure if the young treasure hunter got any reward for her impressive haul, but we’re sure she’s going to be roaming around in that cornfield for a long time to come.